Teaching Mixed Race Classes


by Katherine Reilly

Last night at the Refugee School of Athens, I was interviewed by a postgraduate student who asked me, how do we handle so many ‘different’ students of various ethnic backgrounds and cultures.

“Are your teaching methods effective? Is there any prejudice in class? Do students understand what you’re teaching them?” were some of the questions asked.

You’re probably thinking that my answer would be, “where there’s a will, there’s a way,” or maybe “love brings down all cultural barriers.” I admit both are true, however, there are also rules and guidelines we must follow in order to achieve harmony in class and help our students reach their full potential.

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The Sunday Migrant School of Athens


by Katherine Reilly

On a beautiful Sunday morning, I drive to an old ordinary building in a suburb of Athens. I exit the car only to hear the sweet voices of children playing outside. As I approach them with books in my arms, one of my students wraps herself around me. Then another and before you know it, all of them surround me as I’m gasping for air while my heart beats with love and joy to see my sweet darlings once again.

Continue reading “The Sunday Migrant School of Athens”